Thanks for the replies guys. Ive actually been down to decatur three times now. Once for a private, once for the EB seminar and once to take Brandon and some of his guys to the big seminar they did with Jeremy Arel and Coach Herzog in FL. I've also spoken to Coach Herzog extensively about registering as an official HotBox and actually got the blessing from EB himself at one point but right after things got going we lost 4 guys to moving and life and went down to just the three of us. Right now its myself and my roommate who are both blue belts along w/ a novie were showing the ropes to. There is a possibility though of a guy who qualified for ADCC last year moving in with us, which would be great and could really kick start things.
And if Brandon wanders into this thread, Im coming to see you soon man. I really really need to take this Gi off