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Thanks Brother! people keep mentioning yoga to me - will have to get on it
Yeah the benefits you get from yoga, especially heated yoga, are manyfold. It will also improve your recovery and healing as an example. (increased bloodflow)
If you need proof, try this. Go to a single hot yoga class. Before class, get into your butterfly and make note of how deep you get. Then do your best to get through the yoga class. At the end, get back into your butterfly and see how deep you get. You should see yourself already much deeper into the posture because your hips are fully warmed up and stretched out.
Then at that point spend 10 minutes or so just working your butterfly and your splits and your lotus. (spend more time if they will let you) You'll notice you can press much deeper in that you ever have before. This is your magical time where you can really increase your long term flexibility. Get into the posture, press until it hurts, and then hold it. Don't press too hard, you dont want to injure yourself, but it should hurt. Hold it, hold it, hold it, relax.
If you stretch your joint cold, tomorrow nothing will be different.
Good luck!
PS, you can do the yoga at home if hot yoga is inconvenient or expensive for you. Just find some good youtube videos and do it in your living room. Do a good 60 minute yoga session and SWEAT! Really work the session hard. When you're finished, work on flexibility.
It's not fun, nor glamorous. It's quite uncomfortable. But you're used to that from Jiu Jitsu already right?