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  1. #1
    Conner MACHINE Gibbons's Avatar

    Fighting Dragons Combat Sports & Behring Jiu Jitsu
    Watertown New York

    This Is The Video Of My Loss At My Last Muay Thai Fight....... Please Be Kind :)

    Just some quick notes about fight. I took the fight on Tuesday, fight was on Sunday. Knew it was going to be an uphill battle. Kid was just as big as me, in fact about 1 inch taller. He was also 3 years older. 17 at 150 pounds and 14 at 150 not really the same. He had a 8 pack.....I got a 1 pack. 1 big round 1 pack.Lol.

    Some high lights to look for. When I lost my mouthguard a couple times it was not from solid shots. I just had my lower braces put on my teeth Thursday. It was a bitch keeping my gel mouthguard in because my mouth was still sore as shit.

    When reff stops fight 1st round to adjust my headgear was about the only time I was rocked in the fight. He first kneed me with a nut shot then kneed again and caught me in the head. Both illegal by the way.Lol. But kid was cool and it was all heat of the battle, you could see I just wanted to fight.

    His was strong as hell, thats what really threw me off. I have never had anyone throw me around like a rag doll.Lol. When I stuck to my game plan I think I hurt him as much as he did me. game plan was to stick and move, use my heavy hands with counter punch's, mixing in my hard kicks to keep him guessing. If he tried to muscle me in the clinch unleash knees to inside of leg sternum and liver. You can see it worked well alot of the time.

    Now about the nut shots, I got nailed like 6 times doing the fight. I just kept going. He went down at end of first round. That one was to inside the leg. It may have slid up under the cup. But the drew impact landed on the leg. Thats why the big delay between rounds. He was down for like 3 minutes. 2nd round i really think I won. He was more hurt at the end of that round then I ever was in that whole fight. Watch the jump knee when he was traped in crushed him. Then he went down from a knee in the 3rd. He said nut shot. But I'm telling you 100% that landed on the liver. But they gave him time to recover. He rallied back and stole the round back. All in all he was a cool guy and I learned a ton from this fight. So I'm clad I took it.
    Always train with purpose and fight with passion . Don't be afraid to dream big, but have the balls to make your dreams come true.

  2. #2
    you're gonna lose. but eventually you're gonna start winning a lot.

  3. #3
    Conner MACHINE Gibbons's Avatar

    Fighting Dragons Combat Sports & Behring Jiu Jitsu
    Watertown New York
    I just noticed the 3rd round of the fight part (2) did not post. I will try to to put it on later, not a bad round. Going white water rafting right now, so it will have to wait. Lol.
    Always train with purpose and fight with passion . Don't be afraid to dream big, but have the balls to make your dreams come true.

  4. #4
    Conner MACHINE Gibbons's Avatar

    Fighting Dragons Combat Sports & Behring Jiu Jitsu
    Watertown New York
    Tried to load that 3rd round and not having much luck. you guys may just have to take my word the 3rd went pretty much like the second. He took a quick break from a knee he said hit him in the but I telling you it was the best knee to the liver I have ever landed. Have been working on it for a while. If I can get it to load I will post.
    Always train with purpose and fight with passion . Don't be afraid to dream big, but have the balls to make your dreams come true.


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