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  1. #31
    Volcano makes a gas not smoke
    Dont hold me to my word i saw it on a vid ilon youtube of a guy who is pro marijuana who was inhaling it

  2. #32
    How is it serious? I dont see how someone can get so mad at such a stupid thing

  3. #33


    Titans MMA Halifax, NS, Canada
    Halifax, NS, Canada
    Ok for the gas thing I'm completely lost now. Either way.. I don't care.

    Serious for me because I require marijuana to manage chronic daily headaches, migraines and icepick headaches which otherwise leave me bed ridden. Because its a controlled substance it makes me a criminal to consume my medication. Its criminal because of misinformation. Misinformation like the claims you have made today.

    How is marijuana a stupid thing? For a stoner sure, but for most people that care about it for medicinal and just for the fact that you don't even have freedom of consumption, it's very serious.

    Your perspective on the subject is lacking. Sick people are helped every day while teens are thrown into jail and turned into hardened criminals with the use of marijuana.

    All of our tax money goes to pay for the law enforcement, jail time and many other aspects of marijuana for being illegal because of false reasoning and you say it's not serious? Seriously?

  4. #34
    i dont know the laws in canada but the state i live in is about to legalize marijuana for medical use
    Also i am in highschool, and about 2/3 of students in my school have atleast tried it or still do it
    If you get caught with it you stay in jail until your guardian picks you up. I keep hearing it helps with cancer/normal day problems (headaches,migraines,aches,ect.) But yet their are other ways to deal with them
    Idk how serious yours are but all the people that do it that i know who live in california give shit reasons to obtain it for medical uses,
    Also this is my thought
    It may also cause harm to the ozone layer (idk if it does i think it may cuz its smoke, plz correct me if im wrong) and yes i know alot of things effect our ozone layer like exhaust and smoke from factories but the government doesnt give a fuck about us

  5. #35
    Chris Herzog's Avatar

    10th Planet Rochester
    Rochester, Ny
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent Elton View Post
    I swear itas hard to tell someone my side of the story when all you do is poijt out my mistakes and not posting your own proof.
    Here start with this:
    Check out my instructional

    Head Coach 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Rochester

  6. #36
    Chris Herzog's Avatar

    10th Planet Rochester
    Rochester, Ny
    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Holland View Post
    Ok for the gas thing I'm completely lost now. Either way.. I don't care.

    Serious for me because I require marijuana to manage chronic daily headaches, migraines and icepick headaches which otherwise leave me bed ridden. Because its a controlled substance it makes me a criminal to consume my medication. Its criminal because of misinformation. Misinformation like the claims you have made today.

    How is marijuana a stupid thing? For a stoner sure, but for most people that care about it for medicinal and just for the fact that you don't even have freedom of consumption, it's very serious.

    Your perspective on the subject is lacking. Sick people are helped every day while teens are thrown into jail and turned into hardened criminals with the use of marijuana.

    All of our tax money goes to pay for the law enforcement, jail time and many other aspects of marijuana for being illegal because of false reasoning and you say it's not serious? Seriously?
    I'm guessing by gas he means vapor as in vaporizer.
    Check out my instructional

    Head Coach 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Rochester

  7. #37
    yes i can prob find the link to that vid
    first 10 seconds are his opinion but they also state their are safer ways to use marijuana

  8. #38
    Chris Herzog's Avatar

    10th Planet Rochester
    Rochester, Ny
    I have serious pain to deal with (arthritis, bone spurs, reconstructed ankle, 2 screws for my reconnected biceps, and the biggest a chronic dislocating hip and snapping hip syndrome) and due to my pain I have insomnia. Cannabis use allows me to deal with the pain and the inflammation so I can actually sit and take a shit for longer than two minutes, before my hips dislocates, or at 3am in the morning when I wake up to my hip slamming back into place because it slid out as I was sleeping. Because its helps with the pain and inflammation it also allows me to continue my life passion, martial arts.

    Continue to talk about something your obviously ignorant about is fine, to advise others is foolish and rude to those that choose to use cannabis over synthetic pharmaceutical drugs thats can be severely addictive and potentially harmful, when there are natural alternatives with little to no side effects at all.
    Last edited by Chris Herzog; 04-23-2011 at 09:22 PM.
    Check out my instructional

    Head Coach 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Rochester

  9. #39
    Once again i nvr said to take other medication..... nor did i tell him to deal with his pain
    U guys are taking this to serious
    And are blowing it out of proportions
    I put my belief/statement and u guys get mad when i have my opinion even if it is wrong ill find out myself later on down the road i dont need help from people who are already biased on the fact

  10. #40


    Titans MMA Halifax, NS, Canada
    Halifax, NS, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent Elton View Post
    yes i can prob find the link to that vid
    first 10 seconds are his opinion]
    These statements?
    Its truly amazing the number of conditions that respond favourably to cannabis.
    We're looking at an un-excelled wounder plant / herbal medicine that has no comparison.
    Last edited by Shawn Holland; 04-23-2011 at 10:09 PM.

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