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  1. #41
    Chrismasonic's Avatar

    10th Planet Earth
    Newcastle, England
    I love Football...But Derrick, you are wrong about English & British Football Players

    Paul Gascoigne
    Peter Beardsley
    Chris Waddle

    3 players out of thousands that destroy your argument

  2. #42


    Liverpool Vale Tudo
    Liverpool, England
    Steven Gerrard, Wayne Rooney, Alan Shearer, Paul Scholes...the list goes on and on.

    By saying that ALL British people don't realise their full potential is judging us all by where we are from. By saying that we aren't creative when we created the sport you are talking about, and then saying you don't want to call it Football is ridiculous. Futbol is just the Spanish translation for it. You're from America, call it Soccer or Football, but don't be an absolute turd burglar by pretending you're cool and calling it "Futbol".

    You say Arsenal are the only team that play Total Football in the Premiership but they are far from the best team. Chelsea, United, and even Liverpool and Manchester City next season will have much better squads.

    Anyway, I and many others find it DEEPLY offensive that you say just because we are British, we have less of a chance because being British means you don't try to unlock your potential.

    Just admit you are wrong, it's not hard.

    Anyway, I don't play football, I train Jiu Jitsu,

  3. #43
    Muhammad Abdou's Avatar

    Peter De Been Caroline Springs
    Melbourne, Australia
    and besides... its called soccer

  4. #44


    Liverpool Vale Tudo
    Liverpool, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Muhammad Abdou View Post
    and besides... its called soccer

  5. #45
    Wow Derrick is the dark horse for biggest douche on the forum award. But we shouldn't argue with someone who is retarded enough to suggest That British people are not creative because of the weather.
    "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" true Derrick?

  6. #46


    Going Rogue Again
    South London, England
    cant believe there was actually a thread about hating taylor (3rdeye)
    this guy is showing some big retard traits and is clearly being racist, but even worse, he one stop talking about football as if its the defining point of our whole country, if we judged the millions of people of america on how fantastic their FOOTBALL players are, how do you think you compare to us?

  7. #47


    10th Planet - Hollywood
    Hollywood, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by James III View Post
    With all due respect you don't really know what you're talking about. Do you even follow Boxing at all?

    WBA Welterweight champion = Amir Khan (British)
    WBC Super Middleweight champion = Carl Froch (British)
    WBA Heavyweight Champion = David Haye (British)

    Franz Beckenbauer (World cup winning player and coach and generally considered the greatest German player of all time) is on record for saying english youngsters up until the age of 14 were technically better then their German, Italian, French and spanish counterparts. However after that point many get caught up in the english drinking culture and other nations catch up to them.

    Also the reason many english players do not play abroad is because they make far more money in the EPL then they would in other leagues. That does not stop the likes of Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus, AC and Inter constantly courting english players like Rooney for example. Also if English players can't make it in other leagues like Spain tell how David Beckham won such rave reviews for his performances for Real Madrid? If English players have no skill why do their teams always do so well in the Champions league. Check how many times english clubs have been in the Champions league finals and semi-finals in the last decade. Even Tottenham, the 5th best team in England could beat the very best of Italy when they defeated Inter and AC last season before bowing out at the quarter final stage of the worlds premier club competition.

    Colonies won because of Guerilla tactics? Fucking hell I'm not even going to get into such an ignorant statement. My degree is in History by the way so if you care to dispute that drop me a PM and we can discuss it there.

    It appears your logic is based on assumption not facts. Using that same logic one could assume all Americans are fat stupid rednecks but obviously that is an untrue stereotype. Grappling is relatively new to the UK so that would be a more likely reason the skills in general are not as high as they could be. Time will tell if it improves or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by James III View Post
    No offense but are you under 18? If so your comments would make more sense to me in that respect.

    There are too many points to counter so I'ii just mention a few. If you honestly believe Italian, French and German players get paid the same as english players you are living on another planet. It's well documented the average wage of each league and it's a fact not a disputed opinion. Most of the other points you bring up would take too long to objectively outline in a comment and I'm not going to go into that much depth on a Jiu-jitsu site regarding football.

    Also please read what I wrote. I never said British youth teams were the best in the Europe. I provided a quote from one of the greatest Football players of all time on the skills of British youngsters. I hope you understand his opinion will naturally carry more weight then yours no matter how 'educated' you believe you are.

    So the WBC and WBA belts in Boxing are low budget belts are they? So what are the high budget one's then? The WBO and WBF? Also if the U.S and Mexico run all of Boxing then what nationality are the Klitsckho brothers? They dominate the heavyweight division by the way incase you are confused? You prove my original point that you don't really understand Boxing.

    George Best was the greatest althlete ever from the UK??? What the hell??????

    lol I appreciate the laughs but honestly you sound like my 14 year old cousin. I hope you learn in the future Logic should be based on factual evidence not personal opinion. If you want a debate about English Football it will have to be on another site I'm afraid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Rigg View Post
    i'm gonna have to stretch and say the british had control of the seas for a few centuries (yeah, i know, it IS a stretch).

    but with regards to the knowledgable american football expert:

    "i'm not under 18, & not trying to offend, but english greats such as bobby charlton, bobby robson, kenny daglish, all say the same thing, in regards to british futbol, & lets not mention wembelton. & the klitchkos are old, boxing is hanging on to whoever it can lol"

    kenny dalglish is scottish, not english. getting little facts like this wrong blows holes through any claims you are making with respects to being knowledgable. that's without pointing out your many spelling mistakes (futball? really?). and the main reason the british never got behind lennox lewis (until later in his career) was because he is canadian, not because he's black. we got right behind frank bruno and he wasn't the boxer lewis became. and your assumptions about the british ARE offensive, so please stop.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Chow View Post
    I agree, your remarks about us are pretty offensive. My team being the most successful club in the world, along with Manchester United, should surely prove you wrong. Barcelona may be the best now, but you obviously forget the reign of Liverpool in the 70s and United from the 90s until present. The 70s when the squad was made up of mostly British and Scottish players.
    Quote Originally Posted by James III View Post
    Dude seriously you need to stop embarassing yourself. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of these sports can tell you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. If you can't get the bare basics right then that destroys any credibility you think you have.

    To Andy thanks for clarifying the Lennox Lewis situation. Since he represented Canada at the Olympics and not Britain people just didn't take to him like Bruno. I let that racist remark from Derrick pass by because I thought he was just a little kid. However he says he is not apparently so not sure what to really say about that.
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeSnowdon View Post
    Good grief, I think that's the most simultaneously generalised and patronising block of text I've ever read! I'll respectfully disagree with you on this subject I think Derrick.
    Quote Originally Posted by Muhammad Abdou View Post
    on one hand.. blatant racism... on the other.. why the heck did he bring up football..?
    Quote Originally Posted by James III View Post
    So your nothing but a Troll then? I would have expected more from a 10th Planet fan to be honest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Karim Graham View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Muhammad Abdou View Post
    to be honest im more annoyed at you because you wont shut up about football rather then the fact that youre blatantly being racist.. i reeeaaally dont care about football, ok? i hate that game with the sissy ass bitches finding any excuse to take a fall and act like its the end of the world just to score a free kick...
    I would just like to say.... FUCK YEAH, I AGREE WITH YOU FULLLLLY!

  8. #48


    10th Planet - Hollywood
    Hollywood, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Chow View Post
    Steven Gerrard, Wayne Rooney, Alan Shearer, Paul Scholes...the list goes on and on.

    By saying that ALL British people don't realise their full potential is judging us all by where we are from. By saying that we aren't creative when we created the sport you are talking about, and then saying you don't want to call it Football is ridiculous. Futbol is just the Spanish translation for it. You're from America, call it Soccer or Football, but don't be an absolute turd burglar by pretending you're cool and calling it "Futbol".

    You say Arsenal are the only team that play Total Football in the Premiership but they are far from the best team. Chelsea, United, and even Liverpool and Manchester City next season will have much better squads.

    Anyway, I and many others find it DEEPLY offensive that you say just because we are British, we have less of a chance because being British means you don't try to unlock your potential.

    Just admit you are wrong, it's not hard.

    Anyway, I don't play football, I train Jiu Jitsu,
    You are funny as hell. And articulate yourself very well. Yay for you being you. And "Turd Buglar"? Priceless.

  9. #49


    Liverpool Vale Tudo
    Liverpool, England
    Haha I'm flattered, thanks

  10. #50


    Elements MMA
    Worcestershire, England
    This shit needs to be settled on the mat!

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