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Thread: New Submissions

  1. #71


    Rhyno's Gym
    Lafayette, IN
    Quote Originally Posted by David Rosado View Post
    Yeah dude, my boy told me that Floyd Mayweather used to hit the heavy bag without wraps when he was a kid and that's why now he breaks his hands so easily in fights these days.
    Really? I always thought he broke his hands so often because they were always so fatigued from pulling new excuses for why he won't fight Manny out of his vagine.

  2. #72


    10th Planet Stockholm
    What the fuck is this? You can just pull your arm out LOL you have no what so ever control over your opponent

  3. #73


    Charlotte Jiu Jitsu Academy
    Charlotte, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Watkins View Post
    Sponge was on 10th Planet Dallas Fort Worth forum? Or do you mean the first forum? Because I think DValdez, Chris Herzog, MarGar, myself, you and a few others were rockin the leader board before SponginBob was making posts. I may be wrong though. That was like 2 years ago.
    You are wrong.

  4. #74


    Head instructor 10th Planet Mobile
    Thanx Jon

  5. #75


    Zombie BJJ - RMNU
    Quote Originally Posted by AJ Camacho View Post
    Sorry dude, I didn't mean to upset you. I just don't believe you, that's all. You don't just climb out of your house with home training and no wrestling background and just start tapping out people with 2+ years of experience. It just doesn't happen that way. In the grappling world though, there are tons of bullshitters out there and people who think that their level of grappling is top notch, it's not hard to imagine that you may have bumped into some of those people. Hell, once I moved out here I met a guy who said he was a ninja and that he's beaten people from all the nearby schools (of which there were none at the time).

    Even my gym is isolated in a random little midwest bubble and from week to week I can feel like a moron or a regional grappling god. It only took me a handful of visits to some seriously competitive schools to realize where I sat on the food chain of jiujitsu and it was both a humbling and inspiring experience.

    So this leads me to presume 1 of 2 likely options. 1) The people you rolled with were of a much lower skill level than you believed and you were able to hold your own against them boosting your ego. or 2) You're one of those kinds of people who slightly bends or exaggerates their experiences and stories to boost credibility. Both of these types have visited this forum many times again and again.

    The major point though, is that none of that matters and none of it impresses anybody here. It's pretty simple really, the truth is in the footage and there's no need to toot your own horn if you got footage. Just train hard, roll often, tap even more often, and enjoy the grind through jiujitsu training.

    If you have not visited your local JJ gym, rolled with...I don't least
    a blue belt practitioner, then you really don't know where you stand in Jiu-Jitsu.

    Outside of being insulting to you or the video, that is just the truth.
    Anyone you roll with who has not trained doesn't really count, obviously
    because they have not trained real technique. As stated before, if you
    truly believe that your moves are effective, get on the mats with a REAL
    Jiu-Jitsu competitor and prove it. If you do that, no one will doubt you.

    Your first day in a real school will be quite humbling, believe it or not.

  6. #76


    Ronin (10thP Rochester roots)
    Boston, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan Cook View Post
    Really? I always thought he broke his hands so often because they were always so fatigued from pulling new excuses for why he won't fight Manny out of his vagine.
    That made no sense.

  7. #77


    Combat Sports Center
    Limerick, Ireland
    Quote Originally Posted by David Rosado View Post
    That made no sense.
    i disagree, perhaps no spelt or punctuated correctly.
    but i imagine fisting yourself like that could be quite taxing on the fingers....

  8. #78


    Combat Sports Center
    Limerick, Ireland
    oh and back on topic, evanellerbe. if your opponent has perfect posture and base nothing is going to work. try transitioning to butterfly guard in these situations. I'm sure you can find some video's online with some basic butterfly guard sweeps, or better yet ask your teacher/ training partners to help you out.

  9. #79


    Ethos Jiu-Jitsu & Martial Arts of Tyler, Texas
    Tyler, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan Cook View Post
    If you are really serious about BJJ and have the means to pay tuition fees at a legit BJJ school that's really what you should be doing. Even if you have a couple friends you roll with and you learn off of videos on the net, that can only take you so far. Learning from the Internet is awesome but you have to have good guys to roll against, to learn from, and to try out the techniques you learn from books or the net on. Chances are if you are rolling with other guys that are around your level you aren't going to improve much. The awesome thing about enrolling at a BJJ school, other than the instruction you will recieve, is that there is going be guys there that are so much better than you it will make you feel as though you have no hope at ever becoming good at BJJ; those are the type of environments where you really learn and become proficient at BJJ. Good luck.
    +1.I totally agree. I trained in a garage with friends for about 2yrs. We studied from DVDs, youtube, submissions101, and a couple seminars. When I took my shit to a legit school, where I train now, I was mauled. It's a huge difference. Been there for a few months now, and am even tapping some of the blue belts on occasion. Real training goes a long way, bro. This guy can't be more right.

  10. #80
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    Quote Originally Posted by bobby rivers View Post
    I was on 10th Planet Watch with Alder, which directed me to the forum on the grand opening on day 1. Cant believe in this whole thread you wanna have a pissing contest Jon and insinuate im lying. lame..

    What pissing contest? You were number one on the leader board before it shut down. And who said you were lying? I was just curious. History interests me in my old age.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

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