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  1. #1


    Adaptive Movement
    NEw Britain

    Half guard lock down question

    I was at an open mat, got a strong lock down in, however he got very tight underhooks in on me and pressured chest to chest very tightly so I couldn't recover underhooks on him

    I wanted to recover underhooks without giving up the lock Down. I had never been in that situation before so I just experimented for a bit.

    I ended up threatening an ezequiel variant to snag one underhook but the other was a struggle.

    He insisted afterward that what I was fighting for was a waste and "wrong".

    I was wondering if there were some.more efficient ways to recover double underhooks a bit more efficiently, or if he was right.

    I'm not inclined to believe he was, because he definitely wasn't getting out of the lockdown anytime soon, but I could be wrong.

  2. #2


    Adaptive Movement
    NEw Britain
    Nevermind! I just found the flow chart and saw jaws of life. Great, helpful resources

  3. #3


    South Plainfield, NJ
    If you are going to play lockdown the underhook battle is going to be life!

    I am a huge lockdown player and while the jaws of life are good, they literally will save you in so many other situations, the whip down needs to be your go to. I don't care how big, small or great the person is at weight distribution, the whip down works almost flawlessly. Just watch the Eddie vs Royler on match, Eddie used the whip down consistently.

    I will actually combo jaws of life with the whip down. The jaws of life create separation and then when you whip down you retain the underhook. Remember the chant Eddie created: whip (down), suck (the arm in), uppercut (upper cut to get to the other side), duck (to get your head low) and then if you are an electric chair player: bump, slide, whip, take-out-the-far-post, or you can transition to dog fight or the truck.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    If he got double underhooks and did not go for the buttock compressor or put his knee up, it does not sound like he knew what he was doing. It can be a waste if you are just stalling in lockdown flat on your back for a whole roll session, but on the same note if that guy is going to get preachy about it, he should at least know how to counter what you are dishing out.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  5. #5
    jaywatkins67's Avatar

    Indianapolis, IN
    If he had double underhooks execute the throat punch choke. Some of my guys have put people to sleep with that choke from the bottom. He will be forced to defend and odds are you will get at least one under hook. Then look for the whip down to get the other under hook followed by the whip up. I'm not a huge guy so my opponents usually try to smash me and this usually works for me. Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Eddie Bravo's Avatar

    10th Planet HQ
    Los Angeles, CA
    Whip downs and jaws of life are the best. But just because you got the lockdown doesn’t mean you’ll get underhooks, you might have to snag an overhook and go to rubber guard or go right to electric stone or jump on homie control and switch to prison guard or maybe even jump on the reverse lockdown game. Maybe play a 2 on 1 game with a lockdown and when he pulls his arm free you dive for the underhooks
    Follow me on Instagram @eddiebravo10p

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