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  1. #11


    SimGo Cobra Kai
    Las Vegas
    If it's sunk, my favorite way to get out is reaching over and grabbing their chin. Then twist their neck and turn, most guys will let go to base.

  2. #12


    Ronin (10thP Rochester roots)
    Boston, MA
    LOL my defense has always been to just face the armpit and fight for an underhook on the other arm. That generally stalemates it until the other guy wants to move. But one time I really ended up there for like 3 minutes until the round was over because the guy kept trying to adjust the choke.

  3. #13
    Thanks fellas... I'll give these a shot... the last ditch escape we use at my school involves going 2-on-1 against the choking arm, then throwing your legs up & away from the opponent while turning your shoulders (so you obviously don't break your own neck). I've got a rib that popped out of place a couple years ago and all the twisting from this escape puts a ton to torque on the old injury... it works for a bunch of guys at my spot through. Problem is it kind of does the opposite of what a lot of the defenses I've read about suggest (turn head into opponent not away).

  4. #14

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