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  1. #71


    10th Planet Vista
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Isaiah Mendoza View Post
    look what up? More specific please?!!
    do a little research and you will fine more, maybe you get a little for yourself.

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Almeida View Post
    do a little research and you will fine more, maybe you get a little for yourself.
    No one is getting money, they distribute the money to working groups, which in turn vote within the group on what supplies they need. They are not going around giving everybody they see hundred dollar bills. If that's what you think, you're mistaken. I am not "getting money for myself" which doesn't make too much sense anyway because I live on the other side of the country.

    "The amorphous group has no clear plans yet for spending much of the money. For now, the fund doles out $100 a day to each of the dozen "working groups" that keep the month-long protest going — from sanitation and medical to finance and media.

    Any other expenditures — extra laptops, for instance — are voted on by the "general assembly" of protesters that meets daily, voting "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" after discussing the pros and cons."

    The article has merit and personally I think the funds should be carefully monitored, to make sure whoever is controlling them doesn't do the same thing that CEO's have done. Apparently they are setting up financial records on their website. If I every find out that the coordinators are keeping any money for themselves, then I'll leave the movement immediately, most likely along with thousands of other people.

  3. #73


    10th Planet Vista
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Isaiah Mendoza View Post
    No one is getting money, they distribute the money to working groups, which in turn vote within the group on what supplies they need. They are not going around giving everybody they see hundred dollar bills. If that's what you think, you're mistaken. I am not "getting money for myself" which doesn't make too much sense anyway because I live on the other side of the country.

    "The amorphous group has no clear plans yet for spending much of the money. For now, the fund doles out $100 a day to each of the dozen "working groups" that keep the month-long protest going — from sanitation and medical to finance and media.

    Any other expenditures — extra laptops, for instance — are voted on by the "general assembly" of protesters that meets daily, voting "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" after discussing the pros and cons."

    The article has merit and personally I think the funds should be carefully monitored, to make sure whoever is controlling them doesn't do the same thing that CEO's have done. Apparently they are setting up financial records on their website. If I every find out that the coordinators are keeping any money for themselves, then I'll leave the movement immediately, most likely along with thousands of other people.
    what if they are getting the money from millionaires, billionaires and unions, who supported obama and voted for the big business bailouts (the people and things that you are against), would you leave them immediately?

  4. #74


    Academia De La Hova Jiu Jitsu
    Quote Originally Posted by Isaiah Mendoza View Post
    That's why there needs to be lobbying reform. And that's why I'm voting for Ron Paul. Because he is the only politician who ISN'T bought out by a corrupt system of legal bribery.
    For serious change to occur people need to demand it and the masses as in the majority. This "we are the 99%" crap is more like the 5% that have nothing better to do. Things would change if stock brockers and business all quit working to protest and demanded changed. So basically some guys camping out for a few months wont change anything. Just look at the food industry and the rise of organic foods, its going to take decades for things to change.

  5. #75


    Shawnee, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by The kza View Post
    pussy shit, if anyone really gave a fuck they would be doing what the egyptians and iranians were doing. shit happens, you pick up that teargas and throw it into their face and make those cops use the gear they are wearing. Or else you are showing up just to talk the talk but if it was required of you to actually stand up, i doubt even 90% of them would
    i get what you are saying but the immediate reality in america isn't comparatively as bad. Debt, maxed out cards, a shitty apartment, and a shit job but you can still plug into the net, grind some hours on WoW, light a spliff, and chill out in peace. there's still a few more notches of misery left before America reaches that tipping point. when i have 3 families living in one house that we can barely afford then i'd probably be at the front steps of a BofA with a Molotov.

  6. #76


    10th Planet Ronin/New Orleans
    New Orleans, LA
    I've haven't read all of this arguing, bickering and all that jazz. It's simple, both parties were in the wrong here. I hate these "Occupy" groups with a passion. Everything they stand for they are confused on, they waste time, money, and effort on every level of government, media, and the normal working class. You do know that are protesting to keep wall street out of government while wanting to retain Obama in office who has a large contribution from Goldman and sacs, one of the biggest players in wall st, you know that these protesters want to end corporations yet will drink their starbucks and use their Apple products and use many other major corporations products. You also know that a majority of them want equal pay for everyone if you work or not, which would create an equal playing field? Ask Russia Cuba China north Korea how that worked out. Do you know that if all of our loans were forgiven everyones taxes would go through the roof because you have to pay back every one who ever paid off their student loans? It's an unorganized giant mess that will never happen. You support them for nothing, its all horrible ideas rolled up into one big mess that people only see one side of. Get informed do research be the 1% don't be another fool who gets all their info from television. All these are straight facts, you can research it all and see that its true. They hire major PR Firms to tell their story, the unions are sending people that they pay to take part in these protest, all so we can become a more socialist nation. They have also had what some 4 raps? Not to mention all the public defamation , and the destruction of public parks.

    That being said, these protesters were asked to leave, they ran out the current curfew and the time they were allowed. When you see Police force in full riot gear you should know better then try to riot when they ask you to leave, BUT the cops action no matter how many warnings were given WERE unjust and uncalled for. The only time police are allowed to use force is when they in fear of a dangerous situation. There was more than enough time to realize that the group was there to help the the wounded person. The cop is unjust for his actions. That also being said, if these protesters would get off their high horse, took the crappy jobs that are available instead of this feeling of entitlement they do not deserve, worked like a blue collar American and made themselves into some kind of worth, this would never have happened.

    It's all common sense people, both parties were wrong in their actions. Occupy is wrong for everything they stand for, and the way they go about it. If they really want to live in this society they protest for they just need to move out of America. Yes there are problems with our government and greed with in it, but you cant breach for Obama, who is the cause of all this mess, who bailouts out these corporations then receives donations from them.

    That is that

  7. #77


    10th planet Hotbox Dawsonville :) North Georgia MMA
    North Georgia
    Someone just plead the fifth! It's sad when people get hurt ,But when your protesting on others property you have to be aware that shit can go down. And lets not play like this is this first time a protester has been hurt... Myself I don't feel it's right or ok to send someone to the hospital because they were protesting ....There's this thing called The Human Rights Act.
    The Human Rights Act protects freedom of expression and freedom of assembly – these form the basis for your right to gather with others and protest.
    The act forbids governments and other public bodies (including police) from violating these rights. However, it does allow for some limitations on these rights in order to prevent unrest, violence and crime, and for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
    The police work to balance the right to protest with the right of other people to go about their lives safely and freely.

    All I'm trying to say is what would Willy Wonka do ?

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