MTS 180 Side Control Principles

Table of Contents

00:02:13 The Gentle Art by Ash Thorp

00:04:29 Side Control Principles

00:09:11 Side Control – Flat Mode / Attack Mode

00:12:54 Side Control Alternatives

00:15:49 10th Planet Network clips – 10p meme, 10p ballerina, animation, Derek Rayfield & Andy Varella flow

00:17:49 Z-Lock

00:21:06 Thunder Jack aka Side Triangle

00:24:13 Thunder Jack with Luis Quinones 10pHQ Brown Belt

00:34:18 Daniel Rodriguez debut in UFC mini-doc

00:43:54 Daniel Rodriguez Training Preperation

00:45:35 Warmups H1 – Open Guards with Zach Maslany and Grace Gundrum, 10p Bethlehem

00:47:22 Warmups H2 – Open Guards

00:48:49 Warmups H3 – Open Guards with JM Holland and Grace Gundrum, 10p Bethlehem

00:52:09 Warmups H4 – Open Guards

MTS 229 The Truck Love Handle

MTS 229 The Truck Love Handle

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MTS 228 White Belt Wall Warmups F

MTS 228 White Belt Wall Warmups F

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MTS 227 The Valley Twister

MTS 227 The Valley Twister

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MTS 226 Full Rubber Guard Invisible Collar

MTS 226 Full Rubber Guard Invisible Collar

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MTS 225 Ultimate Rubber Guard Round

MTS 225, Ultimate Rubber Guard Round

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MTS 224 Side Control: Stay Un-frame-able

mts 224 side control, frames,

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MTS 223 Thien Luu Nguyen

MTS 223, Thein Luu Nguyen, rubber guard, eric ramey

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MTS 222 EBI Champion Alan Sanchez

MTS 222 EBI Champion Alan Sanchez

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